
"Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted."
-Emily Dickinson
The Skeleton Key Studio is a haunted house filled with random bits and broken treasure. A skeleton key can open every door, every pathway, portal, and mind to things perviously unseen in this place. All the art produced here is made by S. Kay Wrenn... a little off kilter and wholly one of a kind. Just right for the happily earthbound, recently departed, or displaced soul.
S. Kay Wrenn is a nonbinary artist living and working in York, PA. They use pen & ink, painting, and mixed media to explore the unsettling gray areas in life. Wrenn completed a degree in Illustration at Academy of Art University and began focusing on book illustration and dark art through Skeleton Key Studio. Contact theskeletonkeystudio@gmail.com for prints, originals, and commission scheduling.